Step On Your Fears Is:

Your easy, fast and efficient guide on how to see fear from a different perspective. The innovative visualizing exercise from The 7-Step Guide To Permanently Conquer Your Fears is a concept that I designed especially for you: a busy person who wants change “yesterday”, who needs to unblock their mind in a simple way.

How can Step On Your Fears help you and your audience/team?

Are you?

  • An avent organizer that needs an innovative perspective on fear, to impact your audience?
  • A company/manager that wants their teams’ fear mindset approach strongly reshaped?
  • A personal development seminar/webinar host that wants to teach their audience how to manage fear?
  • A personal development enthusiast that wants a 1-on-1 fresh approach on fear?

Do you need a speaker who can uplift your event and offer a memorable experience to your audience/team?

You have come to the right place!

How does it work exactly?

You and your audience/team will benefit from the most innovative and efficient NLP techniques, summed up in the Step On Your Fears concept that I designed, as a Transformational Speaker.

Through my guiding at first, you and your audience/team will learn how to focus on solutions only, as you use your mind to your advantage, by looking at a problem from all sides.

You and your audience/team will do the visualizing exercise on your own after you first practice it with me. This technique is a metaphor showing you how easily you can keep your emotions under control, if you decide to make a change in your life. It only takes your decision to have the results that you want.

  • My talks include interactive questions and dialogue with the audience, as the NLP processes and procedures are the most efficient when all parties actively communicate.

You will find the visualizing exercise, that is my signature concept, in detail in the 7-Step Guide To Permanently Conquer Your Fears.

Any questions? I am more than happy to answer any of your questions and offer you all the details, when you contact me.

Starting from 200€.

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