NLP In Nutrition

You will see food from a whole new perspective. Food is celebration, it’s savoring and enjoying the flavors of each bite. I’m a gourmand, I simply love food. I designed this program for you if you want to keep your prefered food in your diet.

What if food is celebration, supporting your body to have your ideal weight?


Yes, you can have it all: both your prefered food and your body looking as you have always wanted.

See, you are an emotional being 100%. As much as you consider taking decisions with your intellect, the bottom line is that your emotions take over. Which is wonderful! You just need to learn how to keep your emotions under control.

As I know you love to eat, I created this program for you, because I know how difficult it is to let go of your favorite food and feel guilty and frustrated when you eat. I’ve been through this myself.

You will eliminate guilt and frustration when you eat during 4 weeks of rewiring your mind to see food as nourishment and one of your best parts of the day.

Week 1: What are your emotions when you eat? The pleasure of the first bite only lasts… during your first bite. You keep searching for that same pleasure over and over again and you tend to overeat. Overeating happens when you run from yourself. There are undealt with emotions that you have not yet brought to your conscious mind. Have you had enough running?

Week 2: What is your schedule when you eat? As your digestion and metabolism are the strongest before 2 PM, you will change the hour you eat certain foods. This is one of the most effortless ways to get your body to your ideal weight. What if you had a personalized meal plan?

Week 3: Do you feel you eat more than you really need? The key is to talk to yourself in a different way as you did so far. You learn a specific language that will make you see food as it really is: a support for your body to reach your ideal weight. What if you could eat and leave guilt and frustration aside?

Week 4: How would it be to put all the other 3 previous weeks together and create an amazing easy-to-follow healthy lifestyle, for life? You learn how to make the best choices when you eat and to celebrate your body for the wonder that it really is.

Are you ready to enjoy your new lifestyle?

BONUS: A one-week follow up daily via email on your emotions when you eat and on your meal plan after the one month program, to make sure that you are set for life. I am with you supporting you and your body to both feel and look as you have always wanted in your new amazing life style.

I look forward to answering your questions about this program, when you contact me.

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